
Two board members with an activist heart wanted for the board of the Association Bond Precaire Woonvorm.

The BPW is an active association and grassroots organization and often works in (local) working groups. As an association, there should also be a board. That board consists of 7 board members elected by the General Meeting of Members. The association is therefore looking for 1 new treasurer. The board meets 5 times a year and is responsible for the growth and continuity of the association. (including policy, planning (action plan), budget and annual accounts).

Two board members with an activist heart wanted for the board of the Association Bond Precaire Woonvorm. Read More »

Two board members with an activist heart wanted for the board of the Association Bond Precaire Woonvorm.

Two board members with an activist heart are wanted for the board of the Association of Precaire Housing Associations. The BPW is an active association and grassroots organization and often works in (local) working groups. As an association, there should also be a board. The board consists of 7 board members elected by the General Members' Meeting. According to the retirement schedule

Two board members with an activist heart wanted for the board of the Association Bond Precaire Woonvorm. Read More »

Motivated resident supporters and campaigners (m/f)

Motivated resident supporters and campaigners (m/f) (approximately 2 hours per week) The Precaire Housing Association was established to demand and guarantee the housing rights of various types of "flexible residents". We find it undesirable that more and more people who have difficulty finding a place in the housing market end up in temporary and precarious housing.

Motivated resident supporters and campaigners (m/f) Read More »