
Housing Advice Hour and action at No Border Camp 2024

It is broadly recognized that we live in a time of unprecedented housing crisis. However, the cause of this crisis is still being debated in the political arena. Our recently elected far right government wants to convince us that migration is the main cause. Not only is this their favored scapegoat for every problem in our country, but it allows them to disguise their own failings. In fact, the impact of migration on housing is infinetely small compared to that of around 20 years of neoliberal policy. It is our government that cannot provide adequate social housing. It is their friends in the real estate business who continue to exploit this crisis for their own gain. Don’t let them blame this on migration!

Housing Advice Hour and action at No Border Camp 2024 Read More »

Update and Mobilization: Prevent eviction of Vulnerable Tenants by Veenvesters!

We have recently taken action together with vulnerable tenant Aaron to prevent his eviction. Now the Veenvesters housing association has entered into summary proceedings to evict Aaron from the house. Although they have pledged to prevent his homelessness, they have not taken any steps to make that happen.

Update and Mobilization: Prevent eviction of Vulnerable Tenants by Veenvesters! Read More »

Stop evictions in the Olmenhof!

Stop evictions in the olmenhof! A group of Amstelveen tenants will have to leave their temporary home in the former Olmenhof care home next year, without any prospect of alternative housing. And yet the housing market has been stuck for years. With Amstelveen as a poignant example, where the waiting time for WoningNet is now an alarming 19 years. Residential care creates

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Invitation General Members Meeting BPW – 17 June

On Saturday 17 June, the Bond Precaire Woonvorms (BPW) organizes the annual General Meeting of Members (ALV). Afterwards there is room to talk while enjoying a drink and snacks. A lot has happened and achieved again in the past year and developments are not standing still. So make sure you're there to share your ideas and experiences with other BPW members!

Invitation General Members Meeting BPW – 17 June Read More »

Stop the eviction of Van Baerle Voor Buuren

Amsterdam is increasingly losing its soul and integrity. Once a city for and by the people, now a city for project developers and big capital. Communities that have shaped the city and are being driven out for the sake of profit margins. The resident group Van Baerle Voor Buren, however, is one of the last bastions standing in the gentrified Museum Quarter. The tenants come from diverse backgrounds and ethnicities and represent the aforementioned communities. However they might be forced out as well by H&R Holding, a major property investor in Amsterdam.

Stop the eviction of Van Baerle Voor Buuren Read More »

Housing struggle in 2022! Overview of upcoming national and local housing promotions.

As BPW, we have contributed to the successful demonstrations in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Arnhem, Tilburg, Nijmegen, The Hague, Utrecht and Groningen. But the municipal elections are approaching and the new coalition agreement shows that action from below is desperately needed. Fortunately, demonstrations against the housing policy are already planned for 2022. BPW supports these demonstrations and calls on everyone to join us in demanding the right to housing.

Housing struggle in 2022! Overview of upcoming national and local housing promotions. Read More »

Action March 27 – 1:00 PM – Stop eviction Brent and Cedric in Amsterdam

Cedric with his mother in front of his threatened home Action March 27 - 1:00 PM - Stop eviction of Brent and Cedric in Amsterdam The brothers Brent and Cedric, two young tenants of Johannes Vermeerstraat 83 in Amsterdam, are soon threatened with eviction by their landlord, Stichting Jan Waal GZ Family Fund. Once again, Amsterdam residents are threatened by private

Action March 27 – 1:00 PM – Stop eviction Brent and Cedric in Amsterdam Read More »