
Webinars Tenancy Law, Self-organization & Action Planning and Media Lobby & Research

The Bond Precaire Woonvormen continues to build a grassroots solidarity movement for housing security. In 2024 and 2025, the BPW will organize 3 online webinars for members of local and national BPW working groups. We want to share our knowledge and working methods so that as many people as possible can get started with this.
Do you want to strengthen your local or national working group and delve deeper into the various components that the association has to offer? Then register below.

Webinars Tenancy Law, Self-organization & Action Planning and Media Lobby & Research Read More »

Action: Stop evictions in Reusel by housing corporation Wooninc., November 5, Winston Churchilllaan 87, Eindhoven. 

Dozens of vulnerable residents of the Busseltje in Reusel are at risk of being made homeless by housing corporation Wooninc. As of February 28, Wooninc wants to exchange them for another group of residents without rights via HOD Antikraakbureau, to prevent the current residents from building up rental rights. There are no concrete plans for the Busseltje. The BPW and Action Committee Busseltje must remain! demand that this musical chairs with residents stop immediately and that tenants can remain in their homes. Do not treat residents like scrap! On Tuesday, November 5 at 1:00 PM, we will hand over our demands for housing security to Wooninc., Winston Churchilllaan 87 in Eindhoven, together with the residents. Show your solidarity and come to the handing over of demands.

Action: Stop evictions in Reusel by housing corporation Wooninc., November 5, Winston Churchilllaan 87, Eindhoven.  Read More »


On October 10, 2024, the Bond Precaire Woonvormen in collaboration with the Kloosterhof van Gestel (Vluchtelingen in de Knel, Emmaus Eindhoven, Omslag) organizes a 'Living Room without a Roof' on World Homeless People Day. Together with more than 80 social organizations throughout the Netherlands, we ask attention for the housing crisis and the importance of housing security. Actions take place in several cities such as Utrecht, Amsterdam, The Hague and many other cities.


Stop evictions in the Olmenhof!

Stop evictions in the olmenhof! A group of Amstelveen tenants will have to leave their temporary home in the former Olmenhof care home next year, without any prospect of alternative housing. And yet the housing market has been stuck for years. With Amstelveen as a poignant example, where the waiting time for WoningNet is now an alarming 19 years. Residential care creates

Stop evictions in the Olmenhof! Read More »

“Wonderful living in a building with a mission!”

SOCIAL COHESION AND FUTURE-PROOF LIVING… BUT FOR 2 YEARS. Extend the temporary rental contracts of the residents of Mannoury! Imagine... You are going to live in a recently completed, beautiful, energy-neutral and future-proof building. You make it your home in two years, create a beautiful community with nice neighbors and always pay your rent

“Wonderful living in a building with a mission!” Read More »

Stop the eviction of Van Baerle Voor Buuren

Amsterdam is increasingly losing its soul and integrity. Once a city for and by the people, now a city for project developers and big capital. Communities that have shaped the city and are being driven out for the sake of profit margins. The resident group Van Baerle Voor Buren, however, is one of the last bastions standing in the gentrified Museum Quarter. The tenants come from diverse backgrounds and ethnicities and represent the aforementioned communities. However they might be forced out as well by H&R Holding, a major property investor in Amsterdam.

Stop the eviction of Van Baerle Voor Buuren Read More »