Introduction and Purpose
As the Bond Precaire Woonvormen we fight for housing security for everyone. Our principles of solidarity and equality are central to this: together we are strong. We encourage people to join our militant movement and want to ensure that they feel part of it. The bigger the movement, the stronger we are. It is always essential that everyone feels part of the movement safe feels that we have equality promote, that we empower each other and diversity appreciate. Collaboration and movement building are not self-evident and require a continuous process of discussions and reflection.
Below house rules – a document in which the input of members is leading – is part of this process. The wish was expressed at the 2022 AGM to have a (external) confidential counselor to install. The house rules flow from that and will set out our spearheads to ensure that we are committed to an inclusive, open, safe and appreciative movement. This can only happen if we do it together. This document offers a guideline when it comes to which behaviors we want to uphold and the collaborative culture that we want to promote. It also sets the procedure set out which will be followed in the event of a situation arising that requires a solution or action.
Our vision
In our movement we expect each other to be committed to our values in their actions. Only in this way we will remain strong and people will want to be part of the movement. The leading principles are as follows:
1. Communication
I listen to others. When I communicate, I do so in a respectful, clear, honest and inclusive manner. I give constructive feedback and can receive it.
2. Collaboration
I aim to establish cooperation on the basis of equivalence. I share my expertise and encourage others to do the same.
3. Attentive
In view of the BPW's strategic plans and the priorities set, I look where and how much time I can contribute. I respect the time and workload of others. I am honest and consistent in my decision making and dealing with others.
4. Change
I am open to change, in order to improve what can be improved and I learn from setbacks. I try to make time to improve myself to develop and support others to do the same.
We have an obligation to create an environment free of intimidation, manipulation, discrimination, bullying and victimization; a place where unacceptable behavior is easily identified, challenged and stopped.
Acceptable behavior
1. Be proactive in developing and maintaining effective cooperation, offers moral and practical support to fellow activists who stand up for their rights.
2. Make sure everyone feels Welcome feels, regardless of background, gender, sexual orientation or other identity characteristics. Treat everyone with respect.
3. Give others space to express themselves positions to share and listen without judgement.
4. Take responsibility for your actions and decisions.
5. Resolve conflicts by open conversations and understanding. Avoid offensive language and personal attacks.
6. Take action if difficulties arise in the collaboration to be able to move towards solutions. Try it first among themselves to solve.
7. Respect the borders from others.
8. Ensure that all activities are in line with the values and goals of the BPW.
What if something goes wrong?
It is preferable that problems are discussed and solved informally within the (local) group. However, this is not always possible. In that case, someone can report it to the confidential contact person ( or request the details of the external confidential counselor to present the situation there. The confidential contact person or external confidential counselor will discuss with the reporter what steps the reporter wants and can take.
Possibilities vary depending on the situation and the reporter: entering into a one-on-one conversation with the person the report concerns, appointing an (external) mediator or a conversation with the board about next steps.