Come to the action: Stop evictions by Socius and the Municipality of Utrecht!
January 29, 3:00 PM Stadhuisbrug 1, Utrecht
About 180 residents of 'de Ravel' (Ravellaan 96 in Utrecht) are threatened with homelessness by landlord Socius and owner the municipality of Utrecht. The residents were recently informed that they must leave the building as of May 19. The municipality of Utrecht still has no plans for demolition or renovation and the building will remain standing for years to come. Nevertheless, the municipality of Utrecht is threatening the current residents with eviction, in order to exchange them for new temporary tenants!
The municipality wants to prevent current tenants from building up tenancy rights. 180 people, including students, workers and vulnerable residents, are being evicted and are in great housing insecurity. This is an attack on the housing and tenancy rights of everyone! The Bond Precaire Woonvormen (BPW) and action group Red de Ravel! demand that current residents can remain in their homes. Tenants are not interchangeable!
On January 29 at 15:00, the BPW will hand over our demands together with the residents at the city hall on Stadhuisbrug 1 in Utrecht. Show your solidarity and come to the handing over of demands!
January 21 Webinar “Tenancy law: how and what?”

The Bond Precaire Woonvormen continues to build a grassroots movement of solidarity for housing security. In 2025, the BPW will organize 3 online webinars for members of local and national BPW working groups. We want to share our knowledge and working methods so that as many people as possible can get started with this. Do you want to strengthen your local or national working group and delve deeper into the various components that the association has to offer? Then sign up!
Tuesday 21 January 19:30 is the Webinar 'Tenancy law how and what'? This introductory course is intended to provide members of local groups with the knowledge and resources to organize their members and incoming requests for help as well as possible.
What you learn:
- How to build a file; ensure that all relevant information is provided.
- How to identify the core question and problem.
- How to interpret the legal position of residents, how to consult and engage a lawyer in legally complex situations.
The course discusses common situations in tenancy law, such as the various (temporary) rental contracts, evictions and rent (price) protection, rent reduction, maintenance defects. We will discuss a number of (anonymous) cases and explain the BPW solidarity fund for legal costs.
Sign up here for the webinar on January 21. Or register for the other webinars “Self-organization and action planning” and “Media Lobby and Research”.
Come to the action: For privacy and against evictions by Ad Hoc and the Municipality of Roosendaal!
February 6, 2:00 PM, Emmaplein 2a, Den Bosch

Ruben lives in an old annex of a school building of the municipality of Roosendaal that is rented out by the Ad Hoc anti-squat agency. He and his 10 fellow residents are repeatedly confronted with excessive control inspections in their home by Ad Hoc. When they announced another control inspection at Christmas, the cup was full. Ruben replaced his lock and participates in the action campaign “Refuse the inspector, put a different lock on your door”Now Ad Hoc is threatening to put Ruben out on the street because he wants to protect and demand his privacy.
On February 6 at 2:00 PM, BPW and Ruben will hand over their demands for privacy, peace and security of residence at Ad Hoc in Den Bosch, Emmaplein 2a. Show your solidarity!

Campaign against rent increase 2025
Despite all kinds of promises about security of existence from this cabinet, rents will be increased in 2025 by Minister of Housing and Spatial Planning (VRO) Mona Keijzer again increased significantly: 4.1% in the private sector, 5% for social housing and max. 7.7% for so-called mid-range rent. After the highest rent increase in 30 years in 2024, landlords will again have every opportunity to increase rents. The housing crisis is not being addressed by focusing on expensive new construction while major investments in widely accessible public housing are lacking. Housing is thus becoming inaccessible and unaffordable for many people. The BPW demands housing security and lower rents for everyone. That is why we are taking massive action again this year. The government must now invest heavily in broad public housing. Housing is not a profit model. Register now for the action campaign werefuserentincrease.nl and receive a free step-by-step plan on how you too can refuse the rent increase. Join a local network of Wij Weigeren de Huurverhoging (WWDH). Residents of the Bossche Bomenlandflat successfully refused the rent increase this year and pay 1000s of euros less rent per year, also in the coming years. Flyers will be available again soon. You can set up the action yourself in your building or neighborhood. You can also join at one of the urban groups who carry out this action annually, come to one of the consultation hours for more information or respond to the vacancies. Keep an eye on social media for local and national follow-up actions.

Residents of the Busseltje in Reusel claim housing security and celebrate!
Dozens of vulnerable residents of the Busseltje in Reusel who were threatened with homelessness by housing corporation Wooninc are being offered a permanent rental contract! After months of housing struggle by residents together with the BPW, there is now a result that offers housing security for everyone. Let no one ever tell us that evictions and homelessness are just part of life!
House rules BPW
As Bond Precaire Woonvormen we fight for housing security for everyone. Our principles of solidarity and equality are central to this: together we are strong. We encourage people to join our militant movement and want to ensure that they feel part of it. The bigger the movement, the stronger we are. It is always essential that everyone feels safe within the movement, that we promote equality, that we empower each other and value diversity. Collaboration and movement building are not self-evident and require a continuous process of discussions and reflection.
The following house rules - a document in which the input of members is leading - are part of this process. The wish was expressed at the 2022 AGM to install an (external) confidential counselor. The house rules flow from this and will set out our spearheads to ensure that we are committed to an inclusive, open, safe and appreciative movement. This is only possible if we do it together. This document provides guidance when it comes to which behaviors we want to uphold and the culture of cooperation we want to promote. It also sets out the procedure that is followed in the event of a situation that requires a solution or action.

Renewed Webshop
The BPW webshop has been supplemented with new items such as the 'Stop evictions' bottle opener with magnet and a knitted BPW 'Claim your right to housing' scarf. Order them now with our newly added stickers, flyers, t-shirts & hoodies in the webshop!

Not yet a member, but do you also want to support the fight for housing security? Become a member of the Bond Precarious Housing Forms now!