With the help of BPW East (a new local BPW group), Rentbuster NL and activists from various social movements in Rotterdam (squatters' community, anarchists, Residential uprising, Socialists010) we arrived at 9:30 am to all oppose the eviction and to stop the landlord. We supported the tenants to confront the landlord himself and put an end to this illegal eviction. Without a judicial deportation order, no eviction can take place in the Netherlands. The conversation was quickly over and the tenants claimed their right to live. Direct action delivers results again!
This tenant case is not a coincidence, but the result of poor housing policy, in which landlords can charge excessively high rents with impunity. This must change.
We would once again like to thank everyone who supported and participated in this solidarity action. Without you we would not have been able to carry out this campaign successfully and 2 tenants would have become homeless.
Together with Rentbuster NL, BPW Rotterdam and the tenants, we continue to organize ourselves to claim housing security and rent reduction in their homes.
Do you also want to become active in the fight for housing security and lower rents? Become a BPW member.