Stop evictions in the olmenhof!

A group of Amstelveen tenants will have to leave their temporary home in the former Olmenhof care home next year, without any prospect of alternative housing. And yet the housing market has been stuck for years. With Amstelveen as a poignant example, where the waiting time for WoningNet is now an alarming 19 years.
Residential care creates a precarious living situation
Owner Woonzorg, actually a housing association with a social responsibility, has the building rented out by the commercial vacancy manager Plaza Resident Services (formerly Camelot). They are known for it charging unreasonable costs, flex rental and overdue maintenance, which also affects residents in the Olmenhof.
Temporary rental contracts under the Vacancy Act are automatically converted into regular, permanent rental contracts after a maximum term of 10 years. To prevent this, Plaza Resident Services and Woonzorg are forcing residents to leave their familiar homes by April 2024. However, the building will not be demolished or renovated for the time being. To prevent vacancy, the municipality of Amstelveen plans to house Ukrainian refugees in the complex.
This situation raises important questions about justice and equal opportunities at a time of housing shortage and housing crisis, when some are losing the roof over their heads to provide a new home for others. Living is not a game of musical chairs! This may also jeopardize support for the reception of refugees within the municipality.
Although the tenants understand the need for shelter for refugees, they jointly call for tailor-made solutions from landlord Plaza Resident Services, owner Woonzorg and the municipality. They ask for understanding for their situation and hope for a solution that does not leave them homeless.
BPW and the residents demand
Offer replacement housing when renovations begin
The residents take action
Earlier, one of the residents spoke to the council committee. Then Alderman Ballegooijen, from the 'left' PvdA, made a number of special and ruthless statements:
- building more housing would lead to more homelessness and
- Residents can go to the Regenbooggroep's homeless shelter.
They do receive support from the local SP. Together with SP and BPW, the residents are now working to draw even more attention to their situation with banners, posters and flyers and to put pressure on Plaza, Woonzorg and the municipality. They also sought publicity for their situation:
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