Invitation extra General Members Meeting BPW – September 9 Groningen

On Saturday 9 September, the Bond Precaire Woonvorms (BPW) is organizing a General Members' Meeting in Groningen from 13:00 to 15:00. In addition to the ALV in June, we elect a new treasurer and chairman at this meeting, we assess the annual accounts and members and various working groups can exchange ideas. After the meeting there is room to talk while enjoying a drink and snacks.


      • Date: Saturday, September 9, 2023
      • Location, ORKZ, Emmastraat 15, Groningen.
      • Walk-in: 12:30 -13:00 
      • Members meeting: 13:00 – 15:00
      • Drinks: 15:00 – 17:00
    • Register for the GMM
    • Attend the ALV? Please register before 1 September via Prior to the ALV, we will send you the documents and you will receive the agenda of the meeting and other (annual) documents. Schedule something yourself? Mail us your agenda item before 1 September. Not yet a member of the BPW? Then become a member before September 1 to participate in the ALV.

    Treasurer with an activist heart wanted.

    The BPW is looking for a new treasurer. You can apply until September 1 at the latest by sending an email with a short motivation to Your candidacy will then be presented at the General Meeting of Members on September 9, 2023. The vacancy is also here to watch. 

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