Bond precarious forms of housing strategy day 2023

Come to Rotterdam and join the national Strategy Day of the BPW! You can participate in a number of workshops, dinner together and an evening program with bar and live music!


Sign up using the form at the bottom of the page.


More info? Send a mail.

What is a strategy day?

During the strategy and action day, we will talk to each other through a diverse program and discuss the future plans of the BPW and the housing struggle in general. On this day we want to answer the question: 
How do we shape our housing struggle?! 
It is a great opportunity for BPW members and sympathizers from all over the country to get to know each other and the activities organized by the various local groups. This is how we strengthen mutual solidarity, so make sure you're there!

program :

During the day there are 3 workshops. Then there is a vegan meal and in the evening we close with the film 'Precaristas' and live music.

Afternoon program:

12:00 – 12:30 : Walk in
13:00 – 17:00 : workshops
17:00 – 17:30 : Joint Closure – Action Points and Conclusions.

Evening program:

18:00 – 19:00 : Vegan Food + Bar

19:00 – 20:15 : Documentary “Precaristas” about the housing struggle on the Canary Islands.

20:30 – 22:00 : Bands (Plague Bearers + tba)
22:00 : DJ 



  • Action methods: How do you successfully take action together with residents and politicize the housing struggle? Which action methods can we apply here?
  • Brainstorming session: vision and organizational development BPW 2024 – 2027.
  • Demonstration law and detention group: What are your rights? How do you prepare? 


Edo Bergsmaweg 12
Baccessibility :  Public transport from Rotterdam CS   
Parking space is available. Public transport travel costs can be reimbursed (members). 
There is room for people who want to stay overnight. Bring your sleeping bag and mat.
Register for a place to sleep via the registration form

To register

Participants can sign up for (free) participation in the program. When registering, state whether or not you will stay for dinner and/or sleep.

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