Amsterdam is increasingly losing its soul and integrity. Once a city for and by the people, now a city for project developers and big capital. Communities that have shaped the city and are being driven out for the sake of profit margins. The resident group Van Baerle Voor Buren, however, is one of the last bastions standing in the gentrified Museum Quarter. The tenants come from diverse backgrounds and ethnicities and represent the aforementioned communities. However they might be forced out as well by H&R Holding, a major property investor in Amsterdam.
1. Handing over demands
Apollolaan 117A, Amsterdam
Thu 13 April 2023, 3:00 PM
2. Court Hearing
Parnassusweg 280, Amsterdam
Tue 18 April 2023, 14:30
Resident group 'Van Baerle Voor Buren'
the resident group'Van Baerle For Neighbours', some of them have been for living more than 10 years at the Van Baerlestraat 71, are deeply rooted in the community and the artists, researchers, teachers, social workers and community builders residing within it make for a valuable contribution to the neighborhood.
This last bastion against the tides of gentrification is under threat of eviction from H&R Holding which was founded by Bertus Luske, aka 'the bulldozer', notorious for his violent attacks at squatters and dubious real estate practices.
dubious practices have been applied by H&R as well in van Baerlestraat 71. The rooms were rented initially with permanent contracts. But when the people with these types of arrangements started to leave, the newcomers got temporary deals to deprive them of tenancy protection. H&R is now refusing to issue new contracts citing plans for renovations whereby the tenants would become homeless on the 30th of June.
The contract of one of the tenants, Aye Nur, even terminated on the 31st of March. Even though an agreement for a (short) extension was already reached, she is now suddenly being sued. With practices like these H&R shows it does not respect tenant's rights, for Ayse Nur and all other inhabitants of Van Baerle For Neighbors.
The resident group, 'Van Baerle Voor Buuren‘, and Bond Precarious Housing forms demand from H&R Holding:
- Stop the eviction of Ayse Nur on the 31st of March and let all tenants stay until the renovation
- Offer alternative accommodation during the renovation
- Let tenants return after the renovation
We will confront H&R with our demands by handing them over in person Thursday April 13 at 3pm at their head office on Apollolaan 117a, Amsterdam. The hearing of Ayse Nur will be on Tuesday, April 18 at 2.30pm in the district court of Amsterdam on Parnassus road 280. Come all and show your solidarity!