The residents of the Klokkenhof have been deprived of their right to housing security for years due to internal relocations. Every two years they were offered a new flexible contract at a different address in the building.
Earlier last year the residents were suddenly told that the building is being renovated and that internal moves are no longer possible. This would put about 100 temporary tenants on the street.
"Two months ago I became overwrought by the situation. My girlfriend who lives in the flat has had a burnout since March last year. No one realizes what it does to you when you work very hard and are constantly under pressure from imminent homelessness."
Bibi, temporary resident of the Klokkenhof Tweet
But the residents did not bury their heads in the sand and came together with the Bond Precarious Housing Forms in action. With the help of the BPW they set the action group 'the Hofluiders' on. We set three requirements for Vesteda (the residents' landlord):
The BPW and residents demand:
1. Let everyone live there until the renovation
2. Offer temporary housing during the renovation
3. Have residents return with a permanent contract after the renovation
By the public pressure Vesteda was then ready to talk. At the end of the conversation, the requirements largely met. A great success for the residents!
The battle continues
Now that many residents' contracts with Vesteda expire at the end of this month, unfortunately it goes wrong again. The agreement with Vesteda is that, after their contracts have expired, residents could continue to rent through Alvast (the temporary vacancy manager of the apartments to be renovated) until the renovation. To accommodate Vesteda, the ringleaders have agreed to move again. Now here's the problem: suddenly the residents were told that they would be without a home during the move.
"My rights to a permanent contract have been taken away from me by moving internally, now that they can no longer use me, I can put my things outside and I don't have to imagine anything about the agreements that have been made. I have no energy left over, no roof over my head and no safe haven.",
a temporary resident of the Klokkenhof Tweet
Vesteda and Alvast organized the transfer of management poorly and place the responsibility on the residents. But the residents are not to be discouraged. The action group decided to make a statement by not leaving their old home until they are offered a new home.
Thanks to legal advice from the BPW, they know that Vesteda cannot chase them away without a court order. Whether a judge would make that decision is highly questionable. The residents group can show that they have tried everything to think along. The residents' group has also proven that Vesteda and Alvast have been very negligent.
More and more residents are joining the action group 'de Hofluiders' and the solidarity is getting stronger. Together we will not be discouraged and we will continue to fight for housing security in the Klokkenhof!