Handing over requirements Urban Interest
Tobias Asserlaan 2, the Hague
10/11/22, 14:00u
On Thursday 10 November, the Bond Precaire Woonvorm together with Bo . organizes and Others residents of the Leiden Stationsflat a claim overhanding at the kantor of Urban Interest in The Hague. Living is not musical chairs, but a right. It is unacceptable for pawnshops to make tenants redeemable and homeless in order to build up tenancy rights.rcome. That is why we will collectively make our demands known to this pawnbroker. We're calling tenants, house seekern and organizations to be present and show their solidarity!
Abolish temporary contracts
Due to the flexibilisation of living, 1 in the 5 tenants already one temporary/uncertain contract, Causing residents being in constant housing uncertainty. dthis kind of contracts to be for a fast growing group of people 'normal' gebecome. More and more people are getting into trouble like this to sit. You cannot voluntarily opt for a temporary contract if that is all that is offered, and yet landlords say that tenants choose temporary rent themselves. We recently handed over our requirements for abolishing temporary contracts to MPs to make this clear.
The Bond Precaire Woonvorm Leiden demands from Urban Interest:
Let the residents of the Stationsflat in their own home
and offers residents a permanent rental contract!
and from politics:
Abolish the rental market flow law, offer housing security for everyone and prevent homelessness.