Tuesday September 13 from 16:30 to 19:00 find one round table discussion place in the House of Representatives on temporary leases. The Woonbond, Aedes, the Rental Committee, Vastgoed Belang and the Association of Institutional Investors in Real Estate, among others, have a place at this table to share their views on the temporary contracts with the committee members. The Bond Precaire Woonvorm has been fighting housing insecurity for more than 10 years by making housing more flexible and expanding temporary rental contracts. However, we have not received an invitation for this interview, nor are we scheduled to listen to tenants living on temporary/uncertain leases.
Roundtable discussion
Tuesday 13/09/22, from 16:00
Suze Groenewegzaal, Bezuidenhoutseweg 67
the Hague
Chair dance
A poignant example of the failure of the Rental Market Transition Act is the situation in the Kokkenhof in Amsterdam. Using temporary contracts, some 100 tenants were forced to move within the property every two years. In this way, temporary contracts could be stacked and the giving of a permanent rental contract with regular rental rights could be avoided. When landlord Vesteda subsequently wanted to terminate the contracts in order to renovate, the residents took action together with the BPW. They demand that their tenancy rights are respected and want housing security with permanent contracts. In order to enforce these demands, the municipal council was consulted, there were room questions and the situation was covered in the media.
Mopping with the tap open
The answers to parliamentary questions by Minister of Housing Hugo de Jonge show that he still does not take the structural and problematic consequences of the Rental Market Transition Act, as well as other uncertain forms of housing, such as campus contracts, anti-squat, vacancy law, short stay, target groups and youth contracts seriously. or want to tackle. In fact, he even sees temporary occupancy as a solution to the housing shortage and wants it accelerate the process of precarization by creating a permanent flexible shell within the housing supply of 120,000 flexible homes. In the meantime, the demolition, sale and liberalization of real social rental housing is continuing and structural measures are not forthcoming. In the longer term, this ensures that no more homes will be added to move into after a temporary contract has expired, resulting in dire situations such as homelessness.
'A precarious living situation is an attack on both mental and physical health and social and work-related functioning. It is absurd that even with a diploma and a permanent employment contract in your pocket you cannot always count on a stable living situation. With Minister Hugo de Jonge and his policymakers at the helm, a large group of people is even further from home and condemned to an insecure nomadic existence.'
Clock court resident Desiré
Housing security for everyone
The BPW sees daily in practice that more and more tenants are experiencing difficulties due to temporary, insecure and/or too expensive forms of housing due to the lack of real public housing. Due to the lack of permanent housing to move into, we increasingly need to take action to prevent the threat of homelessness, and to defend the right to housing against governments and landlords who walk over it. View the file below for countless examples.
It is now high time to abolish temporary rental contracts and provide housing security for everyone. In this way we prevent the abuse of power by landlords, evictions, explosively rising rents, rising homelessness and an endless musical musical chairs of residents who are stuck in flexible constructions and are exchanged for each other.
That's why we call on our members and sympathizers to: the 13th of September to come to the round table discussion in the House of Representatives. In the run-up to this meeting, the Bond Precaire Woonvorm together with residents will make our requirements and vision known to the members of parliament in advance (more information will follow). Then we will follow the conversation from the stands. In this way we show that we keep a close eye on the further precarization of the housing market and continue to fight for housing security for everyone!
The Bond Precarious Housing Forms (BPW) demands:
- Abolish temporary leases. Offer housing security for everyone, without the exception of (target) groups.
- There are too few permanent rental properties. Residents with temporary contracts should be given permanent, regular rental contracts.
- Prevent homelessness. Stop evictions and forced relocations. No one on the street or in the shelter.
- Guarantee the fundamental right to sufficiently secure, affordable and dignified housing.
For information or contact with temporary residents, please contact BPW.
NB: Registration is not necessary for the grandstand, but please bring proof of identity. The round table discussion is from 4:30 PM to 7:00 PM. Please register in time at the desk. Location: Suze Groenewegzaal, Bezuidenhoutseweg 67 in The Hague. Pre-assemble at the entrance of the building at 16:00.
Do you live temporarily, insecurely or too expensive? Become a BPW member.
Read here more stories from residents who struggle with housing insecurity due to temporary rental contracts.

Recent BPW actions regarding evictions after temporary letting
- Eviction Stefan & Alwin in Arnhem after temporary lease in 2022
- Forced relocations Klokhof Amsterdam 2022
- Abuses surrounding temporary housing in depreciated containers Riekerhaven 2022
- Eviction of temporary residents of demolition flats in Dordrecht 2022
- Lawless eviction of labor migrants in Tilburg 2022
- Evictions after temporary letting by the municipality of Tilburg and Monoma 2022
- Temporary residents exchanged for anti-squat in Rotterdam 2021
- Threatening homelessness after subletting in The Hague 2020
- Eviction after temporary rental in Rotterdam 2020
- Exchanging temporary landlords in Zaandam 2020
- Eviction Jean-Pierre from The Hague after temporary rental in 2020
- Eviction by institutional investor after temporary contract in The Hague 2020
- Evictions and forced relocation during the corona pandemic in The Hague 2020
- Eviction after temporary contract during corona pandemic in Amsterdam 2020