For years, 144 residents have been living in Het Kokkenhof at Surinameplein 55 in Amsterdam to their full satisfaction. Beneath the surface, however, commercial landlords create precarious situations. Already eight Residents move internally for years so that the commercial landlord Vesteda has a permanent contract can bypass. Now there are plans to be for renovation, 100 residents are at risk of being evicted.
For years, 144 residents have been living in Het Kokkenhof at Surinameplein 55 in Amsterdam to their full satisfaction. Beneath the surface, however, commercial landlords create precarious situations. Already eight Residents move internally for years so that the previous owner and, since 2018, the current commercial landlord Vesteda can sign a permanent contract bypass. Now there are plans to be for renovation, 100 residents are at risk of being evicted.
The Kokkenhof consists of 144 social rental one-room apartments. Ever since eight Every year, temporary leases are offered because there are plans to demolish Het Klokhof. Normally a temporary contract of two year will automatically be converted into a permanent contract. After the temporary contract has expired, residents will be offered a new temporary contract for a house elsewhere in the complex. Due to this construction, residents do not receive a fixed contractt and they remain stuck in a precarious form of living: ze have become temporary tenants. Currently, about 100 residents are trapped in this construction.
In 2019, Het Klokhof was designated a monumental building, which means that the no longer eligible for demolition† Renovation remains the only option. Vesteda is currently in talks with the municipality to initiate these renovation plans. Several residents have contacted Vesteda to ask what will happen with the temporary contracts. The answer is: 'That means that the lease will end and it is no longer possible to exchange internally'. from dThe renovation plans that are now known to be, turns out that 144 rental homes remain available. In principle, all residents could simply get a return guarantee. However, Vesteda refuses this.
There has been a housing crisis in the Netherlands and especially in Amsterdam for years. As a bogus solution in 2016, the Law dear current hhourly market (Wdh) implemented. The legislator wanted to promote traffic flow by to make housing easier for landlords temporary to rent out† However, scarcity persisted. The temporary lease, intended as an exception, has now become the norm. Vesteda therefore invokes this law. Neither Vesteda nor the municipality want to offer any assistance in finding a new affordable home.
The 'Building and Living' department of the Municipality of Amsterdam is granting the permit for this renovation. They indicate that they cannot do anything for the residents because it concerns a private law dispute. The biggest stab in the back was the answer from the team leader of the Residential Market Policy of the Municipality of Amsterdam: “Concluding a temporary rental contract has the consequence that it expires.” This show that the freedom of choice of tenants is an illusion† Tenants are currently vulnerable because they can hardly refuse in the tight housing market. Knowingly and knowingly, the municipality is leaving 100 of their citizens out in the cold by not offering any solutions.
Residents of Het Klokhof who already eight having lived in the building for years have now established a bond with the neighbourhood, the neighbors and care providers. In addition, elderly people live in Het Kokkenhof, who often rent on the basis of a permanent contract. All residents are at the time of the corona-pandemic been a help to these elderly people. The elderly also have eight years bonded with their neighbors. The renovation is not hindered by any obstacles. Now 100 residents are being evicted to make way for 100 new residents, purely for profit.
The residents demand a return guarantee after the renovation. Residents have paid years of rent, whereby they also indirectly contributed to renovation. They have bonded with the neighbourhood. All they want is an affordable roof over their heads, but this is asking too much for Vesteda and the municipality.
Isn't it just a human right to have affordable housing?