(8-10 hours a week)
The BPW has been fighting the housing crisis since 2010, and in particular against all developments that make housing increasingly temporary, insecure and more expensive. With a (part-time) paid employee and many members/volunteers, the BPW enters into a confrontation with (flex) landlords and the government. In order to be able to expand our clout, the association is looking for an extra paid employee who will help to strengthen the organization. With this, the BPW hopes to be able to take the next step in its organizational development, so that the local, urban and (inter)national struggle for better housing for people who are extradited to precarious forms of living can be expanded.
What is being asked:
Someone who has experience in organizing and supporting a grassroots organization at various levels.
To be able to realize the action plan 'Building strength together', we are looking for someone who can raise funds on a project basis and can carry out projects in collaboration with members and residents. We are looking for someone who has experience in lobbying various social institutions (eg housing associations / (flex) landlords / municipalities / councilors / parliamentarians). As a general supporter, communicating with the member volunteers and encouraging and supporting them in actions and activities is an important element of the work.
Time indication: approx. 8-10 hours per week. Project work is paid on a freelance basis. The partnership is entered into for a minimum of one year.
For further information and/or our action plan 'Building strength together' for 2021-2023, please call the following board members of the BPW: Lilian Seip +31631532272 and/or Fons Rietmeijer +31622372044.
Send your CV with motivation no later than 15 January to contact@bondprecairewoonvormen.nl or respond using the form below. (Online) interviews will be held in January 2022.