We are dealing with a colossal housing crisis that is hitting many hard. Now is the time to demand change: the new cabinet is coming and local politicians are preparing for the municipal elections in March 2022.
A broad coalition of activist groups and other organizations is taking action. In September, October and November, several demonstrations are organized by different initiatives to enforce a radically different housing policy. BPW is one of the initiators of the Woonopstand and part of a coalition of groups fighting for a fair housing policy. We therefore support the other protests and call on everyone to come and demonstrate for a radically different housing policy!

The HOUSING PROTEST - September 12, Amsterdam
There is a colossal housing crisis in our country. Housing is becoming increasingly difficult for more and more people to afford and the crisis is making more victims every day. Hundreds of thousands of people are on waiting lists for years, house prices are skyrocketing and the number of homeless people has doubled in ten years.
At the moment the problem is not even stagnating, it continues to get out of hand. It is reckless and it threatens our future. That is why it is time for a broad national movement that says “this far and no further”. We can no longer wait for the politicians who actively pursue this mismanagement or turn a blind eye. We must pull the emergency brake and force a change in policy.
We speak out against the sale of our right of residence, against the greedy rich who become richer while sleeping, against the suffering of hundreds of thousands of Dutch people and against the expulsion of original residents from their own neighborhoods through racist and classical housing policy. We call for solidarity with all tenants and buyers who are collectively victims of this crisis. We don't let ourselves out anymore.
That's why we will be in the Westerpark in Amsterdam on September 12 at 14:00!

HOUSING STAND - 17 October Rotterdam
We are in a housing revolt and will make a joint fist with a broad coalition on 17 October. More and more people, young and old, tenants and buyers, are being affected by the housing crisis. It is high time for a radically different housing policy.
Homes for people, not for profit!
Housing insecurity has also increased in the Netherlands in recent decades. Homelessness has doubled and the housing shortage has exploded. Renting has become more flexible and many people are forced to live temporarily, insecurely or too expensively. Social rental housing is sold, demolished and liberalized on a large scale. Social renting is marginalised, while the private rental sector is expensive and uncertain. Homes for sale are also out of reach for many. Housing costs are rising. Home evictions are on the rise. And the less wealthy are being pushed out of the city, while the middle incomes are also falling between two stools. At the same time, investors and speculators are making their move: for them, housing is a commodity, the safest investment worldwide for those who want to make a profit. All this is the result of deliberate political policy.
That is why we will take action on October 17 in Rotterdam!
Support the Residential Rebellion!
Make a donation and support the organization of our large national housing revolt! With your donation we will finance this campaign and the realization of the protest in Rotterdam on October 17, 2021.
Sign the call and our 9 demands on our website, support the #Woonopstand as an organization, association or action group, and join the list of more than 60 organizations that support the Woonopstand on October 17 in Rotterdam.
Sign up as a volunteer for the Woonopstand!
On the day of the #Woon uprising, we expect thousands of people to protest together for a better housing policy. Of course we need helping hands, who, for example, guarantee safety, steer everything in the right direction or help with construction and technology. write you via the website as a volunteer for the Woonopstand and indicate your preference, and whether you would like to help with the distribution of promotional material (posters, flyers, stickers).

RESIDENCE - November 13 The Hague
It is high time to take to the streets and take massive action against the housing crisis that grips The Hague and the Netherlands. We're prosecuting it THE HOUSING PROTEST in Amsterdam and Residential uprising in Rotterdam with the #woon resistance in The Hague on the Malieveld. We are committed to a radically different housing policy, because everyone has the right to a decent home.