Labor Day is celebrated all over the world on 1 May, including in the Netherlands. BPW participates in a number of cities. Various members and local chapters will participate in demonstrations and we invite everyone to join in. After all, the struggle for a dignified existence is very topical. It is very important that we connect, especially with the people who are forced to work and live insecurely. Read the various announcements below:
Text by Labour Day – On May 1, we will take to the streets together and in solidarity with workers worldwide. Before fair working conditions such as a minimum wage of 14 euros per hour and permanent contracts. Before good social housing. For a real climate policy that is accessible and affordable for everyone. For an inclusive society in which everyone can be themselves, is truly equal and where everyone's contribution is valuable. Before reclaiming and claiming social security. For a good pension system, free access to full (mental) health care and free education. For a social safety net that catches people and does not dehumanize them. For the building of a broad labor movement that will stand up for each other, protect each other from repression from above and enforce a social society
We will not get out of the crisis by being guided by the interests of big money, who put profit and economic growth first, want to control the pandemic instead of contain it and in doing so cause more economic damage. Which destroy the cultural sector and restrict social life so that the factories can continue to run unhindered. Where it is already being discussed when it is possible to cut back on social security again. We say out loud: No! Let the rich pay for the crisis! Taxes large companies and multinationals. Protect the workers. Demonstrate with us on 1 May at 13.00 in Amsterdam. Before solidarity. Against social degradation.
Demonstration: Let the rich pay for the crisis
Jonas Daniel Meijerplein, Amsterdam
May 1
1:00 p.m.
Facebook event:Â
We provide some music, a game and chalk for some small actions in the neighborhood. Let's all make sure that we keep enough distance from each other and wear mouth caps. Until then!
May 1, everyone free!
Singelpark Plantsoen, Leiden
May 1
14:00 – 16:00
More info: Lead for 14
resist! Rejoice! Ride! – Bicycle demo
De la Reystraat, Rotterdam
May 1
12:00 – 14:00h
Facebook event: