It is inhumane to force people to move at this time. The crisis affects us all: it should be no different for a residential company like Vestia. If they want to protect their residents — with or without a lease — and thus protect society as a whole against corona, they will have to accept that the demolition or renovation of all currently occupied buildings will have to be postponed.
No one should have to deal with the stress and uncertainty of eviction during a pandemic. This must stop immediately! "Can you imagine that 40 vans will soon be on the doorstep here to make the entire population move possible?", says resident Marcel. He cannot understand that the strict measures to protect civilians do not seem to apply to him and his neighbors. Harriët, who has been living in Moerwijk Oost since December: “A few of us have now been offered replacement accommodation, but because we cannot move, that is of course not a solution at all in this situation. And even if it were all legal, that would still mean that some of us would end up on the streets.”
By means of an open letter to the manager attn. the owner, a number of residents have tried to discuss a solution. Because a solution-oriented response was not forthcoming, action committee Moerwijk East Stays Inside established. Together with Bond Precarious Housing Forms The Hague have formulated the following requirements:
The BPW and residents demand:
1. Housing security for everyone! No forced relocations — especially not during the corona pandemic.
2. Relocation within The Hague after 1 July 2020 and thereafter for as long as the government measures last.
3. Humane treatment and protection of all people affected by the housing and corona crises.
Landlords who believe that temporary residents are not entitled to protection against homelessness and corona will be held accountable. We think it is outrageous that a housing corporation (which should have public housing as its highest priority) continues to evict temporary residents as soon as they can no longer use them, only to renovate or demolish the vacant housing for more expensive homes.
What can you do?
- Follow BPW The Hague Facebook and Twitter #moerwijkooststays inside, #stop evictions
- Send Vestia an email with the above requirements
- Sign the petition against corona evictions
- Print the 'stop evictions' poster for behind the window
- Is becoming member of the BPW
The names in this article have been changed.
For more information, please Contact on with the Bond Precarious Housing Forms.