Would you like to become a member of BPW?
- Sign up as a member via this link
- Follow the instructions below to pay the membership dues
Membership fees
Becoming a member costs €7.50 per quarter or €30 per year (standard amount) for those with an uncertain or minimum income, respectively €15 per quarter or €60 per year for those with a normal or higher income. People without income or large debts can apply for an exemption via administration@bondprecairewoonvorm.nl
Auto Authorize
You can authorize us in the following ways to automatically debit your BPW membership dues from your account.
Continuous: every 3 months €15.00
Continuous: every 3 months €7.50
You can also set up an automatic periodic transfer at your bank. The membership fee can be deposited into NL83 INGB0004757443 in the name of Bond Precaire Woonvorm stating “contribution”. We would like to receive this contribution on the 1st of the month. You can cancel your membership by sending an email to administration@bondprecairewoonvorm.nl By registering as a member you agree with our objectives and working method. You will receive more information about the BPW by email.
With your contribution we finance: Organizing and advising (flex) tenants. – Solidarity actions. – Informing and influencing local and national politics. – Building up a legal fund for lawsuits. – Office, travel and organizational costs of the BPW.
We look forward to working together!
How do I join BPW?
- Apply for membership here
- Follow the instructions below to pay the membership fee
Membership fee
Fees are €7.50 per quarter (or €30 per year) for low-income members, or €15 per quarter (€60 per year) for those who can afford it. If you have no income, or are in heavy debt, please contact administration@bondprecairewoonvorm.nl to ask for dispensation.
automatic transfer
Follow one of the links below to automatically transfer the appropriate membership fee.
€60.00 a year (until cancellation)
€30.00 a year (until cancellation)
€15.00 per quarter (until cancellation)
€7.50 per quarter (until cancellation)
Manual transfer
If you prefer manual transfer, membership fees can be paid to the bank account of Bond Precaire Woonvorm NL83 INGB0 004 757 443 with the mention 'contribution' on the 1st of each month. If you want to cancel your membership, please send an email to administration@bondprecairewoonvorm.nl
Your contribution goes towards paying for:
– Organizing and advising flexible tenants. – Solidarity actions. – Informing and influencing politicians at a local and national level. – Our legal solidarity fund. – Office, travel and organizational costs.
We look forward to working together!