Would you like to become a volunteer at the BPW?

The Bond Precaire Woonvorm was founded to claim the housing rights of different types of residents. We find it undesirable that more and more people who are struggling to conquer a place on the housing market end up in temporary and precarious forms of housing. Our goal is to guarantee a safe, stable and affordable home for everyone.
Do you want to delve further into housing and do you feel the need to work with our combative yet friendly team for our housing future?
Do you like what we do and do you want to join our team?
For this we are looking for:

(co) Coordinator

Someone who keeps an overview of the total process within the BPW and who guides and helps volunteers on their way. Can you communicate and plan well? Do you see where tasks are left behind? Can you stimulate and motivate people?

Fund raiser

Someone who wants to help ensure a constant income stream so that financial growth within the BPW is possible. In this way we can expand and further professionalize our organization. A first start is helping to make a good financial plan.


Someone who activates and motivates tenants/residents in neighborhoods and districts to fight together in the housing struggle. This can be several people who are active locally.

We are always looking for people to make the association stronger together.

Do you think you can contribute to Bond Precaire Woonvorm in one of the following ways or in your own way?  Then sign up!  


-organize meetings with residents
-mutual aid
-attending and setting up actions
-research and background
-editors and media team
lobbying politics
-create promotional material, T-shirts, banners.
-administration of members
-financial administration
set up campaigns
-schedule working days.
-video/photo team
-invitations and press statements.
-graphic design

If you have any questions, we will of course be happy to answer them; you can contact Abel Heijkamp 06-47686543, or mail to contact (at)

You are of course very welcome to visit our office in Den Bosch, Ridderspoorstraat 2.

Support the fight for housing security!

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