Apply for your own home in Gorinchem

Solliciteren op je eigen woningThe elections are almost approaching. So let's do something creative with our resources and time, they thought at the municipality of Gorinchem. Robin, scaffolding builder for 2 years working with a flex contract via an employment agency and Katrin looking for a job, can't find a job for a decent social rental home. So they were forced to come through anti-squat organization Camelot in a house of the municipality of Gorinchem, but had to leave there within a month.

No problem, the municipality said, then we will simply ask another anti-squat organization, Totaal Beheer, to manage your home. And then, after the house has been delivered empty and you are collectively 2237 euros lighter, you can 'apply' again for your own home at Totaal Beheer. Of course everything has to be done according to protocol, right?! (…) Well, congratulations, Municipality of Gorinchem, you have drawn our attention to put the spotlight on these practices. Smart move, just before the national elections. However?

Unfortunately, you already feel that things are seriously going wrong here and that it is considered normal to take money from people and put them in precariousness. And then we haven't even mentioned the breathing problems that Robin and his girlfriend have due to the mold in the house. IMG_20170308_113819

Personally I already have a moment of, ppffff, I don't believe my eyes and ears. That is why we are now going to go through a few things with you, so that we all understand that this is not normal. And then a slightly different understanding of Normal. To do. (Election slogan of the VVD). To start with, I would like to change the punctuation to: Doe. Normal.

Housing is a right. People are not commodities.

All kidding aside, but the loss of housing rights has become a major and serious problem in recent years. A solution must now be found for these inhumane practices. Robin and his girlfriend are facing an eviction on March 21 and in other parts of North Brabant they were not much better off in previous years.

We are clearly dealing with national problems and our struggle does not end with reclaiming the rights of Robin and Katrin. Bond Precaire Woonvorm will continue to expose all abuses until there is a structural solution for everyone!

We demand that Robin and Katrin can at least stay in their current home with a normal rental contract or get suitable rehousing with a normal rental contract! The Municipality of Gorinchem must stop outsourcing to vacancy managers who deprive residents of rights and simply start renting out the property again instead of sales and flex constructions.

Also, when staying in the current home, thorough repairs must be made to the house to remove the mold! The current situation, especially in case of rainfall, is untenable for the health of the residents! It is therefore outrageous that they pay 360 euros (2 person x 180, - ex utility costs) per month in "loan payment", while according to Camelot they are cannot invoke their tenancy rights.

Robin states "it's bizarre" the neighbor below pays 140 euros per month, but he simply has a full lease with all tenant rights. Housing becomes temporary, uncertain and expensive due to tenancy law flexibility and outsourcing. This unequal treatment and the growing legal inequality must change among tenants, according to the BPW.

What happened in this case?
Robin and Katrin are tenants of a building in Gorinchem for Camelot and paid 2237 euros for it in seven weeks. The house has been affected by mold and irreparable water damage. This also causes the necessary odor nuisance, as well as the aforementioned breathing problems. After you think you've had it all at Camelot, this is what you get.
So now they have to leave the house after a month and the municipality has transferred the house to anti-squat organization Totaal Beheer and Robin and his girlfriend first have to deliver the house empty to Camelot, and then have to register for the house again at Total Management. Most likely a new strangulation/loan/rental contract with new additional costs as a result. At the moment, they have not yet signed the termination agreement with Camelot and are going to oppose the eviction on March 21.

Camelot is an old acquaintance of oursand that is not meant positively. Arrangedd we receive complaints about them from residents and it has been that way for years. They have meanwhile already a dead resident written to their name, but happily continue to exploit people. Helped their friends from the VVD. If you consciously go beyond corpses in this way, there is something very wrong with you as a person, with the organization as a whole and also with the system in which this has a right to exist and can flourish.

So now say with us: HO! Stop! #FUCKFLEX We don't want to go on like this. Don't be pressured and stand up for your own housing rights and therefore those of all of us.

Do you want to know more or support the residents contact me the BPW or with Robin and Katrin: Brink197 (at)


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