Temporary tenants are squatting back their own homes

IMG_0013[1]Today, temporary tenants in Amsterdam squatted their own homes as a protest against their disenfranchised living situation. The Bond Precaire Woonvorm shows solidarity and wholeheartedly supports this action.

Read the press statement of the activists here

As a protest against their disenfranchised housing situation, temporary tenants have squatted a number of homes in the Jerusalem district today. These residents say that they no longer want to be used as modern living slaves in the driving gentrification process in the city of Amsterdam. Everything becomes more expensive, everything becomes temporary… Time to occupy a home and claim your rights.

The reason is the years of tug-of-war in the Jerusalem district in the Watergraafsmeer, where the Rochdale housing association wants to demolish 140 social rental homes for expensive owner-occupied homes. Part of this neighborhood renewal is the eviction of tenants and initially to replace them with temporary tenants. A well-known process that was started years ago to make the residents more flexible, without rights.

In recent months, many temporary leases have been terminated by Rochdale. This housing association makes good use of the disenfranchised position of these temporary residents to continue their demolition plans. The residents who are relocated have little or no prospects for the future on the housing market in Amsterdam.

“Instead of taking responsibility for this group and resettling them, the temporary residents are on the street and are allowed to figure it out for themselves. That is why we have taken this step today," said Nina, speaking on behalf of the occupiers

The Oost and Rochdale districts that are implementing the neighborhood renewal are now even labeling the temporary tenants as frontrunners on the housing market who have consciously opted for this disenfranchised housing situation. The reality is really different: no one voluntarily opts for the uncertain situation of a temporary rental contract. There is simply no other choice. The Amsterdam housing market has come to a complete standstill due to the neoliberal policy of the government and housing associations. As a starter without a permanent employment contract and without a pocket full of money, you cannot take out a mortgage and you therefore have to wait 15 years (!!!) for social housing. In real life you can choose between a temporary rental contract or the unaffordable free rental sector home. Or you occupy a building and see how far you can get.

The activists say they will not leave until these homes are preserved as affordable housing.

For more information or contact with residents:

Mail to jerusalem (at ) or call Robert Jan 06-47686543

or contact the Bond Precaire Woonvormen via contact (at)

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