The tenants of homes on Raadhuislaan in Mijdrecht who live "flexibly" via Zwerfkei are threatened with eviction in the short term. While there is a great lack of social rental housing, the municipality of De Ronde Venen, itself the owner of the homes, does not provide a home. The result: people over 50 and young people are inexorably put on the street. The houses will then be sold.
The idea of selling as handy homes comes from the pipeline of the local faction of the CDA, and has the support of the college and the mayor. The houses come from housing corporation GroenWest, but have become the property of the municipality. The plan was to demolish them for the redevelopment of the area.
Stop evictions!
Now, however, the properties suddenly turn out to be of sufficient value to put them on the market next year, varying from 160,000 to 250,000 euros, as a job/home for sale. This while there are about 1000 people on the waiting list for social housing in the Ronde Venen. There is a major shortage of these, and the houses being built this year for the first time in a long time are mainly covered by private sector rent. The Municipality of De Ronde Venen is now opting for the profit and sale of social housing at the expense of the current residents.
Rich in, poor out.
One of the residents states: “At the beginning of October, 7 residents are evicted, some are even at risk of becoming homeless. Is this social policy now? Municipality what are you doing? You should be committed to residents. As in Amsterdam, low incomes are pushed out of the municipality, they simply cannot participate in the rat race of ever more, ever higher rents, ever higher prices and fewer homes”.
In the meantime, the tenants have not waited patiently, but have already attended consultation and information evenings of the municipal council earlier this year and have sought a discussion with the municipal executive about the upcoming sale. They then raised the alarm via local media.
On balance with little result. "What have you already done to find other living space", one of the residents said in a conversation with the mayor, aldermen and Zwerfkei director Eijk Bakker. “We trust that you have now found a suitable living space” the municipality states in a letter to the concerned residents who were asking about housing solutions. Another example where the government fails to fulfill its duty to provide housing and, moreover, shifts its responsibility to the citizens.
This is all the more the case since the residents first lived in the houses via Zwerfkei with a right-free storage contract for 0 euros via Corporation Groenwest. When the property changed hands, (new owner of the Municipality of de Ronde Venen) the choice was: Either you leave, or you will now pay Zwerfkei via a monthly fee of 125 euros excluding gas and electricity.
The tenants therefore indicate that they would like to continue living in the building with an affordable lease, but are also open to alternative (re)housing.
Now livelihood!
For the Bond Precaire Woonvorm, “the sale of social housing by the municipality and housing corporations is a thorn in the side. Certainly if people are put out on the street through all kinds of dubious flex rental contracts without any rights, the municipality must immediately take its responsibility. We oppose the creation of a class "B" tenant whose tenancy rights have been stripped. Together we can the struggle for livelihood win for all of us”
The residents can use all the support. Are you from Mijdrecht and do you want to show solidarity with these vulnerable tenants? please contact the BPW or send a message to
You can download the action poster "Not for sale" of the BPW on the right side of this page.
Show solidarity, print it out and hang it in front of your window!