May 30th at 13:00 a solidarity visit will take place at the headquarters of Stadgenoot (Sarphatistraat 370 Amsterdam). Check out the facebook event.
We cordially invite you to come.
This visit is at Stadsgenoot as they are with all kinds of flex and temporary contracts evades tenancy law and actively lobbies despite its “social task” to abolish tenancy rights. This action is also in solidarity with residents all over Europe who are in housing insecurity and who are claiming their right to the city.
Stadgenoot himself says: “Can't you afford a free sector rent or owner-occupied home? Then you have to get out of town!”
Waiting lists in Amsterdam are growing due to gentrification, privatization and sale of social housing. In the meantime, there are new 2- and 5-year contracts, which make renting more flexiblebe eroded and housing security is further undermined.
With an ever shrinking stock of affordable housing, many (temporary) residents are forced to move through the city as nomads, or even leave the city.
On May 30, European housing ministers will meet in Amsterdam to forge plans for further gentrification and making our cities unaffordable. That is why housing activists from all over Europe will come to Amsterdam from 28 to 30 May to voice a dissenting voice. Information about the program can be found at www.bondprecairewoonvorm
We demand:
– Direct control over housing and investments by the residents;
– An accessible, fair and open city for everyone;
– Stop flexibilisation and sale of social housing.
– Social rights for all, rich and poor.
Flex or not flex, housing is a right.
Flex nomads are coming to you this spring!
This solidarity visit is made possible by: Faircity, Recht op Stad, European Action Coalition for the Right to housing and the City, Bond Precaire Woonvorm. Please let us know if you want to support and participate.
English info: http://
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City is for everyone!
Housing is a right!
Solidarity Visit, May 30, Stadgenoot, Amsterdam.
– Fair City – Bond Precarious Housing – EU Coalition – Right to City – and
other supporters
On May 30 we are planning a public meeting and solidarity visit at the headquarters of Stadgenoot. This public housing corporation is known for bypassing tenant rights by using all kinds of flexible temporary contracts. Stadgenoot lobbies for the nationwide destruction of housing security and
cancellation of tenant rights.
Waiting lists in Amsterdam are growing as a consequence of gentrification, the privitization of social housing. Meanwhile, through newly created two and five year contracts, renting is being flexibilized while security of tenure is destroyed. With an ever shrinking public housing stock many (temporary) tentants are forced to live nomadic lives and leave the city without any social (re) housing rights. We find this unacceptable.
Stadgenoot states: Don't you have money to rent or buy in the private sector? Then you have to move out of town!
On May 30 the European housing ministers come together in Amsterdam to make plans to further gentrify our cities and make them unaffordable. Therefore housing activists from across Europe will come to Amsterdam from 28 to May 30 to protest. Information about the program can be found at www.bondprecairewoonvorm
We demand:
– Direct control over housing and housing investments by the residents;
– A publicly accessible, open and fair city;
– Stop flexibilisation and sale of social housing.
– Social rights for all, rich and poor.
Flex or not fl? Housing is a right
Housing nomads are coming to visit you this spring!
Join us on May 30th at 14:00 at the headquarters of Stadgenoot.
Sarphatistraat 370,
1018 GW
For more information:
English info: http://
Want to know more about the flexibilisation of housing and work, genrtrification and housing corporation Stadgenoot?
Watch the Docu “Everything Flex?” (All Flex?) Dutch with English Subtitles. ( Stadgenoot gives her vision housing and right to the city
Would you like to know more about making living and working more flexible, gentrification and housing association Stadgenoot?
Then watch the documentary “Everything Flex?”. This is now Dutch spoken with English subtitles. ( Stadgenoot gives her vision on housing and the right to the city.