BPW supports demonstration Nijmegen Hospitable on November 21

12043073_689655227802158_4999699273551371425_n-212x300At a time when all kinds of population groups, tenants and house hunters are pitted against each other, visible solidarity between people is an important signal. We want a world with social security for all of us!

Migrants have recently been designated as the latest scapegoat for the housing shortage. The politicians who do this the most are precisely the politicians who have exacerbated the housing shortage time and again in recent years. The housing shortage is not caused by too many house hunters, but by too few affordable houses. In addition to scapegoating, migrants are now also being abused by politicians to further break down tenant rights. In recent years there have been “polenflats” to exploit seasonal workers and campus contracts to gradually take away everyone's right to a permanent home. Now the right to a home of their own is being taken away from migrants. We must stop this next step in the breakdown of tenancy law. Everyone, regardless of where that person was born, has the right to a good and safe home!

Join us for a demonstration on November 21! Nijmegen Hospitable!

Read the call from the organization below.

Several places in the world are currently the scene of humanitarian disasters such as war, violence and abject poverty. Many people are on the run, they have left home and hearth in search of a safer, better life. Some of these people are looking for a safe haven in the Netherlands. We believe that these people deserve our solidarity, we believe that everyone should be able to move freely around the world in search of safety, freedom and a happy existence.

Unfortunately, the practice is different. The debate is hardening . Refugees are often met with fear, hatred and mistrust. Politicians use 'facts' that, on closer examination, prove to be incorrect to sharpen relations. So-called 'concerned citizens' deface homes with racist slogans, attack shelters and create a smear campaign against people who are already having a hard time.

We are also concerned, but about the humanity that is being deprived of a large group of people in the social debate. We are concerned about the increasing aggression against migrants and concerned about the fate of many people who have left their homes in search of a better life.

There is indeed an alternative. In the short term, we need to open our hearts and show our solidarity to people on the move. In the long run, thinking in terms of first- and second-class people must be replaced by a more equal distribution of power and wealth. Instead of reinforcing boundaries and differences between people, we should seek the solution in greater social equality to solve many social problems.

It is therefore time to join forces and send out a strong signal for solidarity, for freedom of movement and against xenophobia. We want to do this by means of a demonstration on Saturday 21 November. We gather at 14:00 at the Van Schaeck Mathonsingel in Nijmegen. Come all, bring your friends and family and show that Nijmegen remains Hospitable!

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Nijmegen shows hospitality! Solidarity without borders

At this very moment multiple places in the world are the backdrop to humanitarian disasters such as war, structural violence and bitter poverty. Many people have left their homes behind in a search for a saver, a better life. Some of these people come to The Netherlands in search of a safe haven. We believe these people deserve our solidarity, we believe that all people should be able to move freely throughout the entire world in search of safety, freedom and happiness.

Unfortunately this turns out to be different in practice. The Debate Hardens. Refugees are often 'welcomed' with fear, hate and distrust. Politicians use 'facts' that turn out to be false to create a division between 'us' and 'them'. So called 'worried citizens' paint racist slogans on houses, attack refugee shelters and are hatemongering against people who are already in dire need. .

We are worried too, worried about the de-humanisation of large groups of people in the public debate, worried about increasing aggression towards migrants and worried about the fate of the many people who have left their homes in search of a better life. Can't we think of a better answer than the unwillingness to offer people a new home?

There certainly is an alternative. In the short term we should open our hearts and show our solidarity towards people fleeing. In the long run we should replace the tendency to think in terms of first- and second-class people with a more equal division of power and wealth throughout the world. Instead of reinforcing borders and differences between people, more social equality will prove to be a solution to many social problems.

It is therefore time to send out a strong collective signal. A signal in favor of solidarity, for freedom of movement and against xenophobia. So join the demonstration on Saturday the 21st of November. We are meeting at the Van Schaeck Mathonsingel in Nijmegen at 14:00. Come along, bring your friends and family! Let's show some hospitality!

Support the fight for housing security!

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