European Day for Housing Rights. Discussion evening 18 October 20:00 in Amsterdam.

6299691464_ed0d4d0e0dOn Friday 18 October, the Bond Precaire Woonvorm and Op de Valreep are organizing a public discussion about the precarisation of housing (anti-squatting as 'canary in the mine'), the demolition of public housing, the displacement of free cultural spaces and the right to the city. How should we as home seekers and (cultural) space seekers in 2013 actually claim our right of residence and the right to the city? How can we best shape contemporary protest and how can we strengthen each other's initiatives?

The discussion evening is on the occasion of the 'European Day for housing rights // Housing for people, not for profit' on Saturday 19 October, which was proclaimed by a European coalition of housing struggle activists. During the evening, attention will also be paid to housing and the right to the city in other European countries. The discussion is (briefly) introduced by four speakers. At the Valreep, there will be a dance on Saturday 19 October from 14:00 demonstration for the preservation of De Valreep and for a free and social Amsterdam. The discussion evening is open to anyone interested in these issues and freely accessible. The official language is Dutch.
Location: Op de Valreep, Polderweg 620, Amsterdam East
Time: Friday October 18, 20:00 – 22:00 debate, from 22:00
chat with a drink and some music

European Day of Action for Housing Rights//Housing for People not for Profit 19 October 2013

Twitter: #October19 // #HousingforPeople @HousingxPeople

uitnodiging 18 okt 2013.docx

Photo source: Michael Sonnabend.

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