The solution to the supply shortage on the housing market is not to skimp on residents' housing rights, but to build or otherwise realize more homes. For young people, for example. The government must now start working on a structural reform of the ailing housing market based on the fact that everyone has the right to a decent and affordable roof over their head.
Of course we also believe that empty buildings should be occupied or used. By default, this should be done through a normal rental contract with good legal protection. Where this is not possible, for example during renovation or demolition, temporary rental must be used under the Vacancy Act. This is a legally designed scheme to deal with vacancy. The government should ensure that this regulation is maintained and not circumvented by means of anti-squat.
With temporary rental under the Vacancy Act, residents are assured of a minimum residence period of 6 months and a notice period of 3 months (instead of two weeks in the case of anti-squat). To a lesser extent, unreasonable provisions can also be included in the contracts, as is usual with anti-squat. Nevertheless, the legal position is a lot more precarious than with normal renting. The BPW therefore advocates a socially inclusive system in which all tenants, including all types of temporary tenants, are entitled to relocation expenses and replacement housing. This is to prevent an ever greater legal inequality arise between different types of tenants.