European Day of Actions for the Right to Housing and to the City and against Speculation on October 19

Amsterdam, Athens, Berlin, Budapest, Dublin, Düsseldorf, Geneva, Lisbon, Lorient, Malaga, Milan, Paris, Poznan, Rotterdam, Rouen, Rome, Toulouse, Warsaw mobilized!!!

The European coordination of actions for the right to housing and to the city and against speculation calls for a day of action in Europe to fight for the right to housing and to the city, against expensive houses and austerity! Let’s build a social Europe that guarantees the right to housing and to the city for all! Let’s join forces to transform housing, land and cities in common goods! Let’s show our collective will to build a force of opposition at the European level for dignified housing conditions through the actions on October 19!

We are confronted with a brutal European austerity regime which continues to transform our livelihoods into financial assets for global speculation, violating daily the universal right to housing, destroying democracy at all levels and not providing any socially acceptable solution for the crisis of capitalism, we share the common approach regarding the necessary alternative to this barbarism that can only be built through extended social movements in view of a European social integration alternative.

In Amsterdam, Athens, Berlin, Budapest, Dublin, Dusseldorf, Geneva, Lisbon, Lorient, Malaga, Milan, Paris, Poznan, Rotterdam, Rouen, Rome, Toulouse, Warsaw, actions will denounce speculation and demand respect and implementation of the right to housing for all at national and European levels.

Also housing in welfare states like the Netherlands, is getting seriously effected by global neoliberal politicies. For decades the Netherlands has had a large social housing sector with access to affordable housing for all. But recent governments and real estate lobbyists have been focussed on breaking this down, enforcing a program of (financial) privatisation of the housing sector. One ugly side effect of this shift, is the precarisation of housing; the hollowing out of tenant rights. The Bond Precaire Woonvormen (Union of people in a precarious housing situation) and social political centre Op de Valreep organise a public discussion about these issues and the suppression of free cultural spaces and the right to the city. 18 October, 20h at Op de Valreep, Polderweg 620, AMSTERDAM. On 19 October 14h at the same location starts a dance-demo for preservation of the social political centre and for the right to the city.

See for more information:



and register your participation for the events on:

Twitter: #HousingforPeople and #19o

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